Thursday, 16 January 2014

Miles to Go…

We’re all familiar with the term “starting from scratch”. But it is when we, some half a dozen students or so of IV semester BA English class sat pondering at the blank computer screen that we were able to truly realize this oft quoted figure of speech. The funny thing was- we didn't have even scratch to start from. The combined effort of all our neurological systems functioning together couldn't put a word together in the computer.
But, determined and set out, we began our simple attempt at a humble beginning. So in our zest to add our small tributaries to the vast and deep ocean of words and arts, we present our blog before all those who may read it. Through this joint attempt, we hope, with God’s blessings, to be able to provide each one of us with the space and opportunity to search for our talents and show them off. As a fresh vista of opportunities unfold before us and we begin our journey together, our hands tied and hearts in sync, for a memorable tomorrow, we understand that we have miles to go before we part, miles and miles…


  1. If I do not share my pleasure at your realization,I feel that I will be a misfit on the place where destiny placed me,I mean as your facilitator...You have crossed the bridge of indecision, and won the first ordeal, with this much ease...Thumps up..A good start, half done..Keep the enthusiasm...move ahead..make yourself and us proud..Let the world know "who"you are.."What" you can...The success of a blog lies in updates..So please make sure that you show atleast on post per day..Please make it popular..Ask the friends to comment..have group and individual posts..All the best.

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  3. A blog is like a newspaper of which you are the editor and M D, the proof reader and item setter. Contributor and reader too, sometimes. Hence the decision to set out is an important one. Use the space to branch off and spread out. Let it be a sounding board for the class, academic or extra academic. Happy Posting, Happy Blogging ...
